Mit Personal Training erreichst Du deine Ziele schneller, sicherer und es macht auch noch Spaß. Ich garantiere Dir top Qualität, zuverlässige Termine, individuelle Betreuung und Beratung – deine Kondition, Kraft, Muskeltonus und Ausdauer werden sich verbessern. Wir trainieren, wie Du willst, bei Dir zuhause oder im Studio.

Personal training sessions include a combination of cardiovascular conditioning, weight training, flexibility exercise, nutrition counseling, and monitoring your progress. With those tools, I'll work one- on- one with you to create a program that meets your goals. The benefits of fitness training with resistance include improved strength and a toned, firm body. A Fitness Training Program involving resistance/strength training will increase muscle mass, burn extra calories, maximize fat loss and increase your energy. I will develop a program to maximize your strength and Fitness Training ability.